Forget your 9-5, what about your 5-9?

Forget your 9-5, what about your 5-9?

The 9 - 5pm grind can be a little overwhelming! Don't worry, we've all fallen victim to that rut! However with the longer days and brighter mornings now here, we are all about embracing the 5 to 9 Adventure! We're setting ourselves a little challenge for the next few weeks to get up, get out and get moving before we get stuck to our desks for the day. These golden hours can help kick off the start of your day on the right trajectory with some dedicated time for youself. Set that early morning alarm and get out to catch that amazing sunrise. It doesn't have to be a hike on the highest mountain in Ireland, why not take an early dip (We highly recommend Vitamin Sea) or grab yourself an early morning run. Or keep it simple and mindful with some journalling over your morning coffee and listening to your favourite podcast outdoors. Adventuring is personal and completely up to you.

"We want to be part of your journey and not just your destination, because isn’t most of the fun found along the way and not the picture-perfect moment standing on top."

Benefits of early mornings: 

  • You will have quality, uninterrupted time to yourself which might be limited if you are caring for others.
  • Your early morning hours tend to be the most productive time of day as you have the most energy. - Getting up and moving in the morning is a mood booster - those endorphins love an early start!
  • By starting early and scheduling your day you avoid rushing which is really good for the stress levels people!

Outwest's Tips for nailing your 5-9: 

  • Make it fun and motivating - you won't do it regularly if you don't enjoy it. - Grab a mate to buddy up with. Not only will it keep you accountable but also shared adventures can be the best ones!
  • Prep the night before, lay out your clothes, fill your water bottle and plan your breakfast. Preparation is key to success for a 5-9 adventure!
  • Get a good nights sleep. It may take a while to get used to but getting into the routine of going to bed early and waking early will be a game changer. Tip: Use the bedtime app on your phone to get you into the routine.
  • For those who shudder at the thought of waking at 5am, what about introducing a 5-9pm adventure? Although it's so tempting to spend the evening laying on the couch, instead try and make the most of the brighter, Summer evenings ahead and get out for a walk with friends. Trust us, you will feel so much better for it.

Our vision is seeing the great outdoors being explored and OUTWEST supporting you in facing the Irish elements. So to get you adventure ready, here's our top products for your 5 to 9 adventure...



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