Reclaiming Momentum & Navigating The New Year

Reclaiming Momentum & Navigating The New Year

We all know when a new year comes around, many of us begin to think about new goals, a healthier routine & perhaps new targets for the weeks ahead.

However it can be overwhelming at times too. Seeing what everyone else is doing, reading different things online about what is right and what is wrong, it can leave you feeling a little lost. 

But the thing is, it's okay. That is completely normal. So many of us struggle to figure out where to start. We have put together this short blog post of some simple tips & tricks that can assist you with kickstarting 2024.

Rediscover The Joy Of Movement

Keeping it simple here to begin! Remember as kids how excited you would get for a trip to the beach or a journey somewhere new? I wonder where in adulthood do we lose that. 

I would recommend you begin by setting achievable targets. So that might be getting out five mornings this week or something along those lines. The key thing is to set yourself up for a win early on and start building momentum. You don't have to climb the biggest hill straight away. 

Movement is precious & the fact you can get out moving is a gift. Remember and embrace that.

Join Or Create A Supportive Community

Whether you gather the family together or join a social club, support is key when embarking on something new. Sure, you can go solo, but you will get further sharing the journey with others.

Have a look to see what local social groups or hiking grounds you could join. Or look for a gym class or a local trail running group. Pick something that gets you excited.

One of the biggest benefits here is the connection to others. We live in a digital world and we rarely take time away from our laptops and phones. Spending time in nature with like-minded folks will leave you feeling great.

If you happen to be close to the Dingle Peninsula or travelling this way, please reach out and you can join us on an Outwest Outdoor Club adventure too.

Keep It Simple

Don't get too bogged down on all the information. Start small by perhaps committing to daily walks, a sea swim every Wednesday or Friday, or a hike on Sundays with the family.  

Keep it simple and keep it consistent. You don't need thousands of euros worth of equipment to benefit from the outdoors. 

Even the smallest of adventures can bring you joy. Get outdoors and embrace it.


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